The Shop
Getting to the Tracklements factory shop isn’t a ‘just pop in if you’re passing’ type of place. You have to make a journey to get to it (unless you live near it obvs). It is a bit in the middle of nowhere, well at least that is what it seemed like to me having just driven down the motorway from Grimsby. But what a great diversion to their factory. Coming from urban Grimsby it was a TOTALLY different world. I got to their factory shop from the M5 motorway (about a 20 minute trip). If you want a bit of an adventure, explore the English countryside, see fantastic views, marvel at huge old manor houses and estates, and get a taste of gentille country life then this is the diversion you need to take. Finding the actual factory shop is a bit of a trial as it isn’t signposted brilliantly (there is a sign but it is easily missed). When you do find the industrial estate, drive straight to the end of the estate – Tracklements are the last couple of buildings on the left – you’ll find the factory shop in the corner of the buildings. A great sense of achievement when you do find it!

When you enter the factory shop you’ll find all of Tracklements products on the shelves. Have a browse and see what takes your fancy – there is a very large amount of different products they make. If you need help or advice don’t hesitate to ask the extremely knowledgable and very friendly staff. They’re great!
The Sauce
The bottle says that the sauce is a delicious baste for chicken, sausages and chops. It is also great for sarnies and salads.
So in typical Grimsby fashion we’re going to ignore their advice and have it OUR way – slathered on chips and egg!
The feedback from Pack Man indicates that he is in orgasms of delight whenever he has this with ANY food. He loves it so much he is trying extremely hard to route me for a delivery down South somewhere near to Malmsebury so I can pop in and pick up a box of it for him!
I also think that this is an excellent sauce. And it has a multitude of uses as suggested on the label – for example as a baste for chicken. But it works EXTREMELY well with chips and egg! It is quite a strong sauce and the mustard certainly makes its presence felt. The sweetness is not overpowering and all in all it is just a GREAT tasting sauce – our advice? Buy some now!
And we also LOVE the artwork on the products – very original – a nice touch is the artwork/text/logo inside the lids as well..
Pack Man Says: I LOVE this! Sweet, fruity and just SO nice. It’s like falling in love all over again. Oh Man, it’s just so right!
Van Man Says: Adds a very mustardy kick to all types of food. Can be used as a baste for chicken (or other types of meat). Will be a great compliment to bland sandwiches. Love it!
Tracklements Sweet Mustard Sauce
You can buy direct from the Tracklements website HERE
It looks like you can also buy Tracklements Sweet Mustard Sauce on Amazon as well (not sure if it is Tracklements or a third party seller) – you can BUY IT FROM HERE.
You can see a lists of stockists of Tracklements products HERE.
Or best yet, why not pop in and pay them a visit at:
The Tracklement Company Ltd
Easton Grey
SN16 0RD
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