Not the best day for Van Man. After leaving the factory at 4am in the morning and making a successful delivery (and also picking up a few goodies to review), I was making my merry way back to Grimsby. Just at the junction of the A42 and M1, in a blizzard the van decides it doesn’t want to go any more.
I was just able to limp the van to the side of the road and get two wheels on to the grass verge just at the beginning of the slip road.
Not the best place to be in a blizzard I can tell you. I can also assure you that standing on the edge of a dual carriageway in a blizzard for 30 minutes waiting to be towed is not a lot of fun either. Bloody cold as well. Thankfully the blizzard didn’t last too long.

The motorway police were fantastic towing me off the motorway in to the services. The well known recovery company that was supposed to ‘rescue’ me back to the factory from the services were not so good – I waited over EIGHT hours for a truck to take me back to Grimsby! Eight hours!

A word to the wise – if you’ve got breakdown cover check the service levels as you may be surprised by how long they can take to get to you.

So finally got back to the factory at 1:30am, cold, wet (from standing on the motorway) and hungry. Mrs Van Man wasn’t happy about being woken up at 2 in the morning by the time I got home.
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